Restricted & Permitted

We specialize in cross-border payments. We presently support SWIFT and local payments in over 180 countries, either online or over the phone. Browse our in-depth guides to each of the currencies we accept. The payment guides listed below provide information particular to each country. Please keep in mind that cut-off times may be based on the currency being purchased.

In line with our anti-money laundering policy and sanction screening requirements, we cannot receive funds from or send money to the following countries, although this may be subject to change: Crimea, Luhansk People’s Republic, Donetsk People’s Republic, Myanmar, Syria, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, South Sudan, Libya, Sudan, Russia, Belarus, China, Eritrea, Haiti, Moldova, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Zimbabwe and Ukraine.

Permitted jurisdictions refer to where funds originate and/or where a payer is physically located. If our client or our client’s customers send money from a bank account outside of our approved jurisdictions, or if they are geographically located outside of our permitted jurisdictions, we will reject the funds.
Please keep in mind that this list will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

Your funds are always separated from our company funds. If SeifMoney becames insolvent, the funds would form an asset pool from which e-money holders claims would be paid ahead of those of other creditors. SeifMoney has no control over the accounts of our clients (other than where specified in our Terms and Conditions) and is not preforming the safeguarding of funds itself.

Permitted Jurisdictions

Åland Islands (ALA)Ghana (GHA)*Panama (PAN)*
Algeria (DZA)Gibraltar (GIB)Papua New Guinea (PNG)
American Samoa (ASM)*Greece (GRC)Paraguay (PRY)
Andorra (AND)Greenland (GRC)Peru (PER)*
Angola (AGO)Grenada (GRD)Philippines (PHL)
Anguilla (AIA)Guadeloupe (GLP)Pitcairn (PCN)
Antarctica (ATA)Guam (GUM)*Poland (POL)
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG)Guernsey (GGY)Portugal (PRT)
Argentina (ARG)Guinea (GIN)Puerto Rico (PRI)*
Armenia (ARM)Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HMD)Qatar (QAT)
Aruba (ABW)Hong Kong (HKG)Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) (COG)
Australia (AUS)Hungary (HUN)Réunion (REU)
Austria (AUT)Iceland (ISL)Romania (ROU)
Azerbaijan (AZE)India (IND)Rwanda (RWA)
Bahamas (BHS)*Indonesia (IDN)Saint Berthélemy (BLM)
Bahrain (BHR)Ireland (IRL)Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan (SHN)
Bangladesh (BGD)Isle Of Man (IMN)Saint Martin (French part) (MAF)
Barbados (BRB)*Israel (ISR)Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
Belgium (BEL)Italy (ITA)Samoa (WSM)*
Belize (BLZ)Jamaica (JAM)*San Marino (SMR)
Benin (BEN)Japan (JPN)São Tomé and Principe (STP)
Bermuda (BMU)Jersey (JEY)Saudi Arabia (SAU)
Bhutan (BTN)Jordan (JOR)*Serbia (SRB)
Bolivia (BOL)Kazakhstan (KAZ)Seychelles (SYC)
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BES)Kenya (KEN)Sierra Leone (SLE)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (BIH)Kiribati (KIR)Singapore (SGP)
Botswana (BWA)*Kosovo (KOS)Slovakia (SVK)
Bouvet Island (BVT)Kuwait (KWT)Slovenia (SVN)
Brazil (BRA)Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)Solomon Islands (SLB)
British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT)Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LAO)South Africa (ZAF)
British Virgin Islands (VGB)Latvia (LVA)South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS)
Brunei Darussalam (BRN)Lesotho (LSO)South Korea (KOR)
Bulgaria (BGR)Liberia (LBR)Spain (ESP)
Cambodia (KHM)*Liechtenstein (LIE)Sri Lanka (LKA)
Cameroon (CMR)Lithuania (LTU)St Kitts & Nevis (KNA)
Canada (CAN)Luxembourg (LUX)St Lucia (LCA)
Cape Verde (CPV)Macau (MAC)St Maarten (SXM)
Cayman Islands (CYM)Macedonia (MKD)St. Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT)
Chad (TCD)Madagascar (MDG)Suriname (SUR)
Chile (CHL)Malawi (MWI)Svalbard and Mayen (SJM)
China (CHN)Malaysia (MYS)Swaziland (SWZ)
Christmas Island (CXR)Maldives (MDV)Sweden (SWE)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CCK)Malta (MLT)Switzerland (CHE)
Comoros (COM)Marshall Islands (MHL)Taiwan (TWN)
Cook Islands (COK)Martinique (MTQ)Tajikistan (TJK)*
Costa Rica (CRI)Mauritania (MRT)Tanzania (TZA)*
Côte D’Ivoire (CIV)Mauritius (MUS)Thailand (THA)
Croatia (HRV)Mayotte (MYT)Timor-Leste (TLS)
Curacao (CUW)Mexico (MEX)*Togo (TGO)
Cyprus (CYP)Micronesia (FSM)Tokelau (TKL)
Czech Republic (CZE)Monaco (MCO)Tonga (TON)
Denmark (DNK)Mongolia (MNG)Trinidad & Tobago (TTO)*
Djibouti (DJI)Montenegro (MNE)Tunisia (TUN)
Dominica (DMA)Montserrat (MSR)Turkey (TUR)
Ecuador (ECU)Morocco (MAR)*Turks & Caicos (TCA)
Egypt (EGY)Mozambique (MOZ)*Tuvalu (TUV)
Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)Namibia (NAM)Uganda (UGA)*
Estonia (EST)Nauru (NRU)United Arab Emirates (ARE)
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (FLK)Nepal (NPL)United Kingdom (GBR)
Faroe islands (FRO)Netherlands (NLD)United States (USA)
Fiji (FJJ)Netherlands Antilles (ANT)United States Minor Outlying Islands (UMI)
Finland (FIN)New Caledonia (NCL)United States Virgin Islands (VIR)*
France (FRA)New Zealand (NZL)Uruguay (URY)
French Guiana (GUF)Niger (NER)Uzbekistan (UZB)
French Polynesia (PYF)Niue (NIU)Vatican City State (Holy See) (VAT)
French Southern Territories (ATF)Norfolk Island (NFK)Vietnam (VNM)
Gabon (GAB)North Mariana Islands (MNP)Wallis and Futuna (WLF)
Gambia (GMB)Norway (NOR)Zambia (ZMB)
Georgia (GEO)Oman (OMN)Germany (DEU)
Palau (PLW)Kazakhstan

* The countries/territories marked with an asterisk are not available by default. Please speak to your Customer Service to apply to collect funds from these countries/territories.

We take our regulatory responsibilities very seriously. In accordance with our anti-money laundering policies and sanctions verification requirements we might require additional supporting documents before some currencies can be processed.